
Simple Steps to Make College Recruiting Easier for You

When you hear the word character brought up in the recruitment process, you probably don’t think much of it. Most recruits believe they are just fine in the character department and would rather dedicate their time to playing and getting their name out there. They don’t understand that having good character traits will help them […]

Steve Spurrier Shows How to Take the Right Approach to Recruiting Camps

Spurrier said they had over 400 kids come to a one-day camp at SC today from places as far as FL and NJ. — Kristi Dosh (@SportsBizMiss) July 17, 2012 2012 marks Steve Spurrier’s 20th appearance at SEC Media Day. Spurrier’s first appearance came in 1985, almost a full decade before the birth of most […]

How to Get a Medical Redshirt

Injuries are a fact of life in sports, but in college they carry extra weight. Serious injuries cause athletes to lose some of the precious time they have competing in college athletics. Time marches on, whether it’s the four seasons an athlete can play, the five-year clock in Division I, or the 10-semester/15-quarter rule in […]

What Separates the Top Athletes in Recruiting?

Competition is the very nature of athletics, so if you go into the recruiting process thinking “I’ll find a scholarship easily, without much work,” you are already starting off with a major disadvantage. You will have to work hard to get in touch with coaches, market your skills and abilities, and ultimately get a coach […]

Reclassifying 101: Important Info to Consider Before Reclassifying

A lot of things can change during a prospect’s recruitment, but for a long time one of the givens was the year an athlete would finish high school and start college. The occasional recruit would have academic issues and need to go to prep school. A few football players every year would graduate and enroll […]

Learn How to Choose the Right College for You

Knowing which college campus is a good fit for you is a major part of the recruiting process. You never know how much you will like a college until you have seen it first.  We often hear from recruits who have changed their mind about a college they had no plans of attending just because […]

From Unknown to NCAA to NBA: Lessons from Anthony Davis

Anthony Davis has enjoyed quite the ride over the last few years- going from being literally unknown in high school, to an NCAA Champion, to the #1 overall pick in the NBA Draft. The key breakthrough for Davis came when he tried out for former NFL player Tai Streets’ AAU basketball team, Meanstreets. At the […]

3 Quick Tips to Help You Expand Your College Recruiting

We have said it a million times, but the college recruiting process can confuse athletes who are otherwise qualified to continue to play sports and receive a college education. You may have a basic understanding of what you need to do to get recruited, but you can’t quite get over the hump and attract the […]

NCAA Rules Limit Scholarship Package Deals

The story of Robert Nkemdiche’s recruitment began with his commitment to Clemson and has now centered around the number of friends and teammates Clemson has offered scholarships to in order to secure and keep Nkemdiche’s commitment. It has lead to broader questions about whether package deals should be allowed by the NCAA and whether coaches […]

Save Money by Beating the Eligibility Center Fee Increase

Starting on September 1, 2012, the fees for registering with the Eligibility Center will increase. Domestic prospects will pay $70 (up $5) while international prospects will see a bigger increase, from $95 to $120. This has prospects wondering whether they should register right away. The increase is small, especially for domestic prospects, but every little […]

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