Sports Recruiting

How do Division 1 Colleges Find Recruits?

Big time DI college sports are the dreams for a lot of athletes and families. It’s no secret this level of sports is big business with billions of dollars being generated through TV and commercial contracts. College coaches at this level are among the highest paid coaches in their profession and they know the life […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

Criticisms for Early Recruiting Missing the Mark

There are over 270 comments and climbing on a recent New York Times article chronicling the increased number of early commits made by college recruits. People are upset at the idea that families and recruits are being asked (some say forced) into deciding on a sport and college in the 8th and 9th grade. The […]

The Difference in Recruiting for a Five Star and No Star Recruit

If you are basing your expectations of the recruiting process on what you see happening to the biggest recruits in your sport, you are setting up for disappointment. The difference between a 5-star recruit and a no-star recruit is a lot more than five stars. This doesn’t mean you can’t get recruited or that you […]

How to Understand NCAA Basketball Recruiting and Maximize Your Scholarship Opportunities

The NCAA recruiting process for basketball is different than any other sport, so basketball players that want to find a scholarship opportunity must learn when coaches can scout and evaluate them. Men’s Basketball Recruiting: the Recruiting Period and the Evaluation Period A recruiting period is a time during the school year defined by the NCAA […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

Lacrosse Contact Period: How Prospects can Become College Lacrosse Recruits

What is a Contact Period? First, let’s start by defining a contact period: A contact period is a set time determined by the NCAA when coaches can contact athletes. It isn’t the only time an athlete and a coach can speak with each other, but there are less restrictions on communication. Coaches are allowed face-to-face contact […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

Winter Break Recruiting Checklist:Improve Your College Recruiting with this Helpful Guide

For student-athletes, winter vacation brings a much-needed break in school and gives athletes time to evaluate where they stand in regard to finding an athletic scholarship, and what they can do to correct their course, or to increase their chances. Things You Can Do During Winter Break to Get Recruited: Freshman Research Schools: You are […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

College Soccer Showcases: Where to Find Them and Why They Are Beneficial to Your Recruitment

Soccer Showcases are intended to help boost a player’s recruitment. Showcases give recruits time to play and be evaluated by college coaches. Keep in mind that earning a spot on a college team takes a lot of work; attending one showcase will not be your golden ticket to landing on a college team, but it […]

Most Top Football Recruits are Already Verbally Committed

Last week we discussed the CIF football playoffs and the recruiting mistakes athletes commit when waiting until late in their career to start thinking about recruiting. Now we shift the focus to several athletes on the teams playing for state championships to learn where they are in the recruiting process, and what that means for […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

Are You Ready to Play Basketball in College?

Balancing the Basketball Season and Your Basketball Recruitment Just because it’s time to get serious on the court you don’t have to halt all your recruitment progress during the season. Basketball recruitment is fierce and you are going to be up against major competition, which is why you need to have a solid game plan. […]

3 Expert Tips to Help You Find the Best Wrestling College

High school wrestlers dream of one day competing at the college level, but just like anything else it takes hard work and dedication to find a college to wrestle for. Wrestlers are among the hardest training athletes, so don’t let all that time spent sweating through grueling practices to make weight go to waste by […]

Gain Exposure. Get Recruited.

Find opportunities for athletic scholarships and get connected to college coaches.