Athletic Scholarships

How to Negotiate a Better Athletic Scholarship Offer

The idea of getting a four year full-ride athletic scholarship is the dream for many athletes and families. As the reality of the recruiting process sets in, you realize how rare athletic scholarships are and how infrequently athletes receive full-rides. If you are fortunate enough to be offered scholarship money, you might be surprised how […]

Am I Good Enough to Get a Track and Field Scholarship?

If you are trying to get a track and field scholarship you need to find a program where you can be one of the best athletes in your event and score points at the conference/national level. Many athletes or parents of athletes are looking for over all time, distance or height requirements to get a […]

It’s Not a Coach’s Job to Give Scholarships

The topics of scholarship offers and dollar amounts are regular sources of frustration in the recruiting process. Most athletes and families over estimate how common and how big scholarship offers are and they get discouraged if a coach doesn’t make a big offer. Below I share some of the most common situations where athletes and […]

The Difference in Recruiting for a Five Star and No Star Recruit

If you are basing your expectations of the recruiting process on what you see happening to the biggest recruits in your sport, you are setting up for disappointment. The difference between a 5-star recruit and a no-star recruit is a lot more than five stars. This doesn’t mean you can’t get recruited or that you […]

The Questions You Need Answered From Each School on Your List

There are literally hundreds of questions you could ask college coaches. The more you learn about the recruiting process and scholarships, your list of questions grow. Whether you are just getting started with recruiting or have been communicating with coaches for several months, below is a set of basic questions you need to have answers […]

Going from Junior College, to DII Walk-On to Changing Sports and on a Scholarship

In high school, I was never a good enough athlete to catch a coach’s attention based on my athletic achievements. At the time, I thought this was because I wasn’t good enough to be a college athlete, but now realize it was because I didn’t know how the recruiting process worked. I ran cross country […]

When It Is Okay to Ask a Coach About a Scholarship

Too many athletes I speak with and whose emails I read are asking coaches about scholarships in the first few emails or phone calls. The only thing this is going to get you, is ignored from that coach. Coaches know athletes want a scholarship, but they also know they only have a limited number to […]

Some Schools Lose A Lot and That’s a Good Thing For You

It happens every year where athletes who aren’t particularly great at their sport basically walk into a scholarship opportunity or makes a team at a school. You are spending hours every week on your recruiting and it seems like you are getting nowhere. Why is it so easy for these athletes? The answer is, some […]

Insider Secrets to Finding Scholarships and Opportunities at the College Level

This article describes specific situations that happen in the recruiting process where you as a recruit have an advantage. These are situations where the athletes I have worked with have taken the opportunity to get scholarships or roster spots at their dream schools. When a New Coach Comes In When a program brings in a […]

Swimming in College: The Fastest Way to Contact College Coaches

College Swimming Up and coming swimmers and divers might be under the impression that if you post good times and scores, then you will have no problems getting college swimming and diving coaches attention.  This will always be true for top recruits, but if you aren’t, then you need to go about your recruitment a little […]

Gain Exposure. Get Recruited.

Find opportunities for athletic scholarships and get connected to college coaches.