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Simple Steps to Make College Recruiting Easier for You

When you hear the word character brought up in the recruitment process, you probably don’t think much of it. Most recruits believe they are just fine in the character department and would rather dedicate their time to playing and getting their name out there. They don’t understand that having good character traits will help them in the long run during their recruitment process. Simple Steps to Make College Recruiting Easier for You

Why Character Matters

College coaches are always looking for the best players to fill open positions in their programs. Coaches are looking for student-athletes who have it all; confidence, dedication, academics, team-spirit and most importantly athletic skills. If your mind-set is college coaches do not care about grades and character, then you are going to be in for a rude-awakening. Top coaches have their choice of incoming recruits; they have so many they have to turn most down. If you are ever in a position where you are up for a spot on the team, and it’s between you and another player, you better hope the coach understands all of your character traits and they are good ones, otherwise you just lost a spot.

What Does Good Character Mean?

Traits associated with players making the character cut include; being an excellent student, being a great teammate, being a team leader, and showing dedication to your school and team. Athletes with good character are hard- working and are always ready to make a difference on and off the field. I am sure you can think of more ways that athletes display good character traits and understand why college coaches are looking for these players to represent their teams.

Don’t Make a Mistake that Ruins Your College Options

Too often student-athletes and recruits are making news, but not in a good way. You know the ones: recruits not making the grades when they have already been on probation, or worse, getting arrested and losing their college scholarship opportunities; don’t let this happen to you. Understand what it takes to be a great athlete and a good student; once you have that set, college coaches will want to talk with you, especially if you have the traits they are looking for.

Be the Athlete Coaches Want

Make sure you start reaching out to college coaches early in your high school career. Make sure you have all your grades and academics on track to graduate high school get accepted into the college of your choice.

If you have any other questions about becoming the recruitable athlete that coaches want to recruit, then leave your comment below and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+!

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