Communicating with College Coaches

Swimming in College: The Fastest Way to Contact College Coaches

College Swimming Up and coming swimmers and divers might be under the impression that if you post good times and scores, then you will have no problems getting college swimming and diving coaches attention.  This will always be true for top recruits, but if you aren’t, then you need to go about your recruitment a little […]

CIF Football Playoffs: How to Steer Clear of These Big Recruiting Mistakes

It’s the time of year when high school football championships, like our local CIF football playoffs, take place. So many potential recruits across the country have worked so hard for this- the opportunity to play on a big stage where college coaches are going to discover them. That’s no different here in California, where the […]

Why You Need Good Questions to Ask a College Coach on Recruiting

Too often we see athletes take the wrong approach to contacting a college coach. If you plan on becoming a serious candidate for an athletic scholarship, then when you contact a college coach you must have good questions to ask them on recruiting. Picking The Right Questions to Ask a College Coach Will Help Show […]

How to Get Noticed by College Coaches and Scouts

So you’ve read some of our previous articles about the importance of researching colleges and contacting coaches at those schools, and now you are ready to get your name out there to coaches. But, simply sending a plain, generic email out to coaches won’t get you recruited. You want to know how to get college coaches and scouts […]

4 Ways To Make Your College Recruitment Happen

You can think there is going to be an easy way to get college scouts to see you, but if you realize early that there isn’t a magic button you will be better prepared. So stop searching the internet hoping to find a way to get coaches and scouts attention, when you’ve done nothing to spike their interest in […]

Emailing Coaches: This is How You Get a Coach to Respond to Emails

If you’ve started your athletic career without worrying about how to continue playing sports in college then you may have already dug yourself into a deep hole. This is the mentality high school athletes need to shake from their system if they plan to make it as a college athlete. Junior and senior year is […]

Five Ways to Tell If You Are Getting Recruited By a College Coach

At Athnet, we constantly talk to high school athletes and their families about college recruiting. They always want to know if coach has serious interest in them and what things will tell them they are being recruited. The way a coach responds and acts to these five interactions will help you determine how seriously a […]

Top College Coaches and Tips on College Recruiting

Potential college recruits shouldn’t look at recruiting as something that they can put in a little effort a couple of times a year and still expect to receive the scholarship offer of their dreams. It’s something that no matter what time of the year it is, you are always doing a little bit of work […]

The Recruiting Advantage Every Athlete Should Use

Potential college recruits are constantly looking for an advantage over other athletes. Well, exploring local colleges and universities is an obvious advantage that athletes often overlook. Coaches’ recruiting budgets don’t allow them to get out on the road as much as most people expect, leading them to recruit local athletes quite often. Learn how to […]

How is Your Recruiting Going to Change September 1st?

On September 1st the NCAA opens the doors on college recruiting for upper classman. For all Junior’s that is the date D1 and D2 coaches can officially begin to send emails, letters and accept your social media request. For senior football players coaches will be allowed to start calling once per week starting Saturday. This […]

Gain Exposure. Get Recruited.

Find opportunities for athletic scholarships and get connected to college coaches.