Communicating with College Coaches

Get Recruited with a YouTube Channel

Using video to gain exposure is a key part of the recruiting process; it helps coaches to see your skill set and to determine if you are a good fit for their program. Coaches will want to see you play live in most recruiting scenarios. Providing them with great video will help you get to […]

How to Get Recruited Using Your Highlight Video

Once you have created a good recruiting highlight video, you must learn how to effectively use it to get yourself recruited. Coaches will want to know your stats, grades, and information on the teams you play on; but this all leads to coaches wanting to see you play live. Your highlight video will be the […]

Volleyball Recruiting Advice From The ESPN Player of the Year

Women’s volleyball is one of the most popular sports in middle school and high school. In fact, volleyball beat out baseball to rank second in team sports participation in the United States (2011). That means there is high competition among high school volleyball players who want to get recruited to play in college. There are […]

The Best Time to Contact Coaches

So you want to contact a coach, but you need to know the best time to contact them. Well, it really depends on how you are trying to contact him or her. If you are making a phone call, you should do it in the late afternoon or early evening. Coaches check their e-mail at […]

#16 Recruiting Corner: Access to Our College Coaches Database

Here is the link to get access to our college coaches database. Create your account and get started with searching for schools. Be sure to ask us questions about the recruiting process in the comments below. Joshua: And we’re back. It’s The Recruiting Corner. Joshua Zimmerman. David Frank. Hope you guys are all doing well. How are you doing, […]

#15 Recruiting Corner: How to Find Scholarships, Multi-year Scholarships and Social Media in Recruiting

You can leave questions in the comments below. Joshua: Hey guys, welcome back. You know what time it is. We’re back with another Recruiting Corner. Joshua Zimmerman, David Frank. David: Hey guys, how’s it going? Just a quick reminder, subscribe to our YouTube channel, get this sent to you every week once we’ve got it. […]

Finding the Right College Program

Now that you are ready to take your athletic and academic venture to the next level, you need to start your search for the right college and division levels. Are You Sure that You Want to Play College Sports? If you have no clue on where to look, then you will have an even harder time […]

College Diving Recruiting with Dr. Ron O’Brien

We had the chance to interview Dr. Ron O’Brien, one of the biggest names in US diving. He shaped the direction of US diving as the former national technical director and high performance director of US diving. Dr. O’Brien’s athletes have won over 196 medals in the Olympics, world, national, NCAA, and Big Ten Conference […]

Why College Coaches Will Not Find You

The biggest misunderstanding I see when meeting with recruits about the recruiting process is that they think, “If I am good enough, coaches will find me.” This is almost never the case, and I am going to explain three very significant reasons why. 1.     Recruiting Budgets for 95 Percent of College Programs don’t Allow […]

What to Do When Coaches Don’t Respond to Your Email

I get this question all of the time, “I am e-mailing coaches, but they aren’t responding! What do I do next?” This can be frustrating as an athlete, but you have to understand these critical things. Coaches’ e-mail boxes are extremely busy—They get e-mails from their universities, current athletes, their coaching staff, media outlets, and hundreds […]

Gain Exposure. Get Recruited.

Find opportunities for athletic scholarships and get connected to college coaches.