Athletic Scholarships

Why do You Want to Play College Sports

Playing your sport in college will be some of the best years of your life. It will set you up for success and forge incredible friendships. Unfortunately, too many athletes want to go to college for the wrong reasons and end up missing out on college sports altogether. If these three reasons are why you want […]

When is the Right Time to Talk About an Athletic Scholarship With a Coach?

As the signing period for 2012 continues, we are getting the question, when is the right time to discuss scholarship with coaches? Below is a three-point checklist for recruits who want to discuss scholarships with coaches but don’t want to offend them by looking like all they care about is money. Reader question: “I have received offers […]

#10 Recruiting Corner: Walking-on at a University and Multi-year Scholarships

Do you have a question you want answered? Ask your question in the comments below. Joshua: And we’re back for another round of The Recruiting Corner, bringing you the latest breaking news in college recruiting. David, what is on our schedule today? David: Lots of things going on. We go back to multi-year scholarships. NCAA Division […]

4 Steps for Getting a College Tennis Scholarship

In the past few weeks there has been an increase of articles and stories written regarding the lack of American tennis players represented at recent grand slam tournaments. Unfortunate as it is to not see Roddick or one of the Williams sisters reach top spots, it does not mean that tennis is phasing out here […]

#4 Recruiting Corner: Financing College as an College Athlete

On this week’s episode we cover a very important topic, the financial obligations of making your college decisions. These decisions are very important because for every dollar you take you out from the bank to either completely pay for or supplement a scholarship you were awarded you must pay back the dollar plus some interest. If […]

Make Sure You Can Get into Your Dream School

Having a dream school and team to play for is great, but unless you know what it is going to take to get into your dream school, you are never going to get there. Getting a High Grade Point Average (GPA) Makes the Whole Process Easier The minimum GPA needed to be eligible by the […]

How to Pick the Right Athletic Scholarship Opportunity

The key to having a successful recruiting process is to be organized and to have a plan. The fundamentals of any good college recruiting experience are to have a list of schools you are interested in. This list of schools should start with approximately 30–50 schools and be divided into two categories: (1) your dream […]

5 Facts About Full-Ride Scholarships

One of the biggest draws to being a college athlete is the promise of an athletic scholarship. Whether it is a football scholarship, basketball scholarship, baseball scholarship, or volleyball scholarship, getting your education paid for by being an athlete is a great opportunity. Scholarships should be seen as a means to acquire a university education, […]

Head Count Sports vs. Equivalency Sports: Which One do you Play?

The availability of athletic scholarships in college may have a lot to do with which sport you play. The NCAA puts their sanctioned sports into two categories: head-count sports and equivalency sports. Head-Count Sports Scholarships within head-count sports are restricted by a set number, and they are all full scholarships. Hence, if a sport offers […]

Facebook, Twitter, and Athletic Scholarships: 5 Things to Check

If you are a varsity high school athlete with aspirations of playing your sport at the collegiate level and your performance in high school was noteworthy enough to attract college scouts, you need to prepare for the recruitment process. It is an exciting, heady experience that is designed to sell you on attending a specific […]

Gain Exposure. Get Recruited.

Find opportunities for athletic scholarships and get connected to college coaches.