
Playing College Soccer Just Got Easier / Harder

The US Soccer Development Academy has instituted a new 10 month long season for their elite Development Academy Club Season. This new schedule will take effect for the 2012/13 season and will impact college soccer recruiting immediately. If you want to play at the NCAA D1 level, it almost forces you to play for a […]

How to Write a Resume to Play College Volleyball

College volleyball coaches do not have large recruiting budgets to scour the country looking for potential recruits; therefore, athletes looking for a volleyball scholarship must proactively reach out to coaches. When contacting coaches, your e-mail will be one of thousands they receive, and it is easy for them to ignore if it doesn’t have what […]

College Baseball Scholarship by the Numbers

Continuing with our series of scholarships by the numbers here is our graphic on baseball. College baseball is different from most other college sports because college coaches and professional teams are recruiting high school athlete’s at the same time. It is not uncommon for the major baseball powerhouse schools to lose a star recruit who […]

#9 Recruiting Corner: Grey Shirting and Gauging a Coaches Interest

Do you have questions you want answered on the recruiting corner? Leave them in the comments below. Joshua: Hey, guys. Another round of The Recruiting Corner coming at you. Joshua Zimmerman, David Frank. How’s it going David? David: Going really well. Joshua: Fantastic. David: Lots of great news coming this week. We’ll be covering all […]

College Basketball Scholarships by the Numbers

Next in our series of infographics is Basketball Scholarships by the Numbers. Here, you can see the number of scholarships offered at each division level, how many programs there are and in what regions programs are in. If you are interested in playing college basketball and finding a basketball scholarship, it is crucial you familiarize yourself how many scholarship there are and where they are available. There […]

How to Get Yourself Recruited: The Ross Mauermann Story

Many recruits have expectations about the recruiting process that just don’t match reality. Recruiting is nothing like it was even a few years ago. If you are getting your advice from someone who isn’t staying up to date on the changing trends, you could be getting incorrect advice. In no particular order, here are some of […]

The NCAA Censors the Best Recruiting Advice for Athletes and Families

The NCAA and NAIA have specific rules regarding how and when coaches can begin actively recruiting players. Coaches at the NCAA D1 level cannot begin recruiting/contacting players until the summer before their senior year. Coaches at the NCAA D2 level have to wait until the summer before an athlete’s junior year (this rule just changed; it […]

(Defensive Positions) How Big Do You Need To Be To Play College Football?

This is the follow up graphic from yesterday with the average, maximum and minimum size of college football players for defensive positions. Consistently, the D1-A players are an inch or two taller and 10-15 lbs heavier. Also, when looking at these numbers keep in mind these are all college players, and the weights you see […]

(Offensive Positions) How Big Do You Need To Be To Play College Football?

With over 1.1 million high school football players at the high school level and only 80,000 college football players, not every high school football player with get to fulfill their dream of playing college football on a scholarship. If you turn on the TV to watch the upcoming NFL combine, or read over the measurements […]

Find the Contact Information For College Coaches

Most NCAA and NAIA colleges and universities make coaches’ contact information available online. They are located in several different places and can sometimes be challenging to find. Start by Searching for the School on Google Start with a Google search. Most of the time, you can find coaches’ contact information available on a school’s athletic website. Type […]

Gain Exposure. Get Recruited.

Find opportunities for athletic scholarships and get connected to college coaches.