Sports Recruiting

How to Get Better at Basketball and Improve Your Recruiting With iHoops is a website that every basketball player, parent of a player, or coach should visit if they want to improve their skills and knowledge of the game of basketball. iHoops is a joint venture between the NCAA and the NBA created to increase the quality of youth basketball. They aim to improve the education […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

The Dead Period and What It Means for Your Recruiting

The NCAA Dead Period The dead period may sound like a time when an athlete can’t do anything to help their recruiting, but really the NCAA dead period rules just prohibits face-to-face contact between coaches and athletes. During the dead period, athletes cannot meet with a coach anywhere, including on campus or at their high […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

How to Jump-start Your College Recruiting if You Hit a Roadblock

Did you get off to a good start in your college recruiting, but have since hit a road block? Maybe you received some initial interest from coaches, played at a few camps, and even registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center; but now, the trail has gone cold. Don’t declare your college opportunities dead just yet. There are […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

Don’t Let Injuries Stop Your College Recruiting

There are many obstacles on the path of college recruiting. Injuries are one of the first that come to mind, and not many people have been bitten by the injury bug quite like soccer player and Delran, Pennsylvania senior John Verzi. In his first three years of high school Verzi has had six surgeries on […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

Five Ways to Tell If You Are Getting Recruited By a College Coach

At Athnet, we constantly talk to high school athletes and their families about college recruiting. They always want to know if coach has serious interest in them and what things will tell them they are being recruited. The way a coach responds and acts to these five interactions will help you determine how seriously a […]

The Ultimate Goal: Going Pro

Turning pro is a dream for athletes who have worked their butt off their entire life and sacrificed so much for their sport. It’s an honor to be considered one of the elite considering the amount of high school athletes who actually become professional athletes is somewhere in the .11% range. Here is what NCAA […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

When It Comes to Recruiting, Think Outside the Box

If you are a serious recruit, then you need to read this and learn why in today’s highly competitive world of college sports you need to stand out if you want a scholarship. Potential recruits need to quickly learn all they can about the recruitment process so they can devise a strategic recruitment plan. If […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

The Top Recruits Have What Most Recruits Don’t

Student-athletes need to realize when it comes to their recruitment the more they do to get their name out to coaches the better their chances of being offered a spot on a college team. It is extremely important for potential recruits to realize their  skill level and to understand where they stand on the playing […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

Should You Play For a Coach Who Commits Violations?

While it might seem like every coach in college athletics is committing serious recruiting violations, that is not the case. The overwhelming majority of prospects, even in the revenue sports like football and basketball, will not be offered money, gifts, or services to enroll at a certain school. Even if it is common among top […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

A Plyometric Training Regimen to Fuel Your College Recruiting

Sport Plyometric Programming Physiologically, plyometric jumping exercises put a very high demand on the tendons , muscles, and neuromuscular system of the hip, knee and ankle joints. The learning and perfection of jumping skills must be technically correct and specific to the athlete’s age, sport and physical development. Restricted use of the exercises in young […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting
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