Sports Recruiting

Get a Football Scholarship- Snoop Doggy-Style

Many of you may have heard that the UCLA Bruins signed P. Diddy’s son, Justin Combs, to a football scholarship for the 2012-2013 season. Well, the Bruins have continued down the hip-hop road by offering Snoop Dogg’s son Cordell Broadus a full-ride (perhaps trying to spark a friendly inter-squad east coast-west coast rivalry?). There is […]

The Nuts and Bolts of the NCAA Eligibility Center Process

The NCAA has done a fairly good job of getting the word out about what the requirements are to be an academic qualifier. Less well known is the process prospects must go through to get that designation and their amateur certification from the NCAA Eligibility Center. 1. Register with the Eligibility Center This might seem self-explanatory, […]

Pre-Plyometric Evaluation and Training for Women

There is a high occurrence of ACL injuries among female athletes in American sports. Even with the benefits of various training programs their injuries are prevalent and frequent. Most of these injuries are sustained without the incidence of contact, occurring when the athlete is landing from a jump, decelerating, or pivoting on one foot while running. […]

Posted in Sports Recruiting

4 Ways Parents Can Help Their Child Get Recruited

There is a lot to know about the recruiting process. Student -athletes already have a lot on their plate; once recruiting is factored in, look out! As the athletes’ number one supporter, it’s important for you to be there for them. To streamline your efforts here is a quick four step guide to taking part […]

It’s Science… Athletes Are Smarter

Everyone has heard the phrase “dumb jock” used in reference to athletes’ performance in the classroom, but is the stereotype really true? Not according to the Los Angeles Unified School District. The LAUSD recently conducted a study that shows athletes are quite the opposite of “dumb jocks.” In fact, athletes had higher grade point averages […]

Are You Better off Playing One or More Sports? (Part 2)

Part 1 of this series discusses the information high school athletes should consider before giving up playing multiple sports to focus on one sport. What outside factors are playing into this shift? Should athletes take injury into account when considering opportunities for their sport? You need to consider two things when determining how injuries will affect […]

5 Tips to Finding the Best College Coach For You

Communicate with a College Coach Early and Often As an athlete you know what type of coaching you like and what type of coaching you don’t. Get a jump on finding the right college opportunity by talking with the coach early and often. Too many recruits assume they would like to play for a certain […]

Are You Better Off Playing One or More Sports? (Part 1)

Many high school students are shifting from being multiple-sport athletes to single-sport athletes. But are athletes making these decisions based on the right information? What are the driving factors behind the movement? Most importantly, are athletes’ best interests kept in mind? The Right Factors to Consider Are you playing a sport because it makes you […]

4 Tips to Becoming a College Tight End Recruit

The tight end position can be of extreme value or limited importance, depending on the type of offense your coach has implemented. Professional teams such as the New England Patriots and the Peyton Manning- era Indianapolis colts made the tight end position vital to their success as Super Bowl champions. Following in the NFL’s footsteps, […]

Get Inside Info From Potential Teammates by Using Social Media

You will never get a full appreciation for a program just by talking to a coach, but you can learn how to use social media outlets to connect with athletes at the programs you will potentially play for. Athletes can give you a candid evaluation of a college and the athletic team because they have […]

Gain Exposure. Get Recruited.

Find opportunities for athletic scholarships and get connected to college coaches.