Senior year & Recruiting

Do Walk-Ons Have Something to Sign on Signing Day?

The early signing period for many schools begins next week. These events are a wonderful celebration of a student athlete’s hard work and represent years of dedication on behalf of athletes and their families. One of the questions we get from a family or an athletes is, “will I have anything to sign on signing […]

September 1st and the NCAA Recruiting Calendar

September 1st is considered a big day in recruiting because it signifies important dates for when NCAA DI schools can begin contacting senior recruits. It’s important to understand what rules change September 1, but more important is understanding the NCAA Recruiting Calendar and how you can take advantage of the rules to get ahead in […]

Some Schools Lose A Lot and That’s a Good Thing For You

It happens every year where athletes who aren’t particularly great at their sport basically walk into a scholarship opportunity or makes a team at a school. You are spending hours every week on your recruiting and it seems like you are getting nowhere. Why is it so easy for these athletes? The answer is, some […]

Insider Secrets to Finding Scholarships and Opportunities at the College Level

This article describes specific situations that happen in the recruiting process where you as a recruit have an advantage. These are situations where the athletes I have worked with have taken the opportunity to get scholarships or roster spots at their dream schools. When a New Coach Comes In When a program brings in a […]

What the New NCAA Rules Mean For You

The NCAA passed proposed rule changes on January 19th. The new rules will take effect starting August 1st of this year. I am not going to cover all 26 proposed rules but instead focus on the rules that are going to impact your recruiting the most. Welcome to the Wild West of Recruiting The goal […]

Recent News about the Gymnastics Recruiting Period

Paving the way to be a successful gymnastic recruit is going to take plenty of skill and a lot of motivation. There are many avenues you can take in your recruitment, but ultimately, if you plan on earning a gymnastics scholarship then you need to know and understand the requirements surrounding college gymnastics recruiting. College Gymnastics […]

Understanding NCAA Eligibility Center Information

College eligibility requirements are one of the most complex areas of the recruiting process, especially for athletes who do not take the traditional route of getting recruited during high school. Making the decision to participate in college sports can be complicated. For athletes who are unsure if they have what it takes to participate at […]

Seniors, Here Are 375 Universities Still Looking For Students

It’s the time of the year when the dust is starting to settle, and many high school athletes are realizing that they do not have a school to play for next year. In the past, we have discussed options for seniors such as walking on to a school, taking a year of postgraduate studies, and […]

You Can’t Just Wait For A Scholarship After High School

NCAA eligibility is a complex subject, and most athletes do not realize they start losing eligibility just one year after they graduate high school. Make sure you fully understand the rules for your sport before you decide to delay your college enrollment. How Much Eligibility Do I Start With? You get five years to compete […]

Junior College Could Be a Great Option for High School Seniors

If you are a high school senior and you don’t know where you want to go to college—or you haven’t found an opportunity yet—attending junior college may be your best option. Similar to taking a postgraduate year, junior college gives students a chance to continue to build their athletic and academic profile before attending a […]

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Find opportunities for athletic scholarships and get connected to college coaches.