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Seniors, Here Are 375 Universities Still Looking For Students

Late Enrollment To College

It’s the time of the year when the dust is starting to settle, and many high school athletes are realizing that they do not have a school to play for next year. In the past, we have discussed options for seniors such as walking on to a school, taking a year of postgraduate studies, and attending junior college; but there are currently 375 schools out there that are still accepting students.

It’s Not too Late

At this point in the year, these 375 schools are likely the only option for student athletes looking to attend a four-year college. If you are holding out and hoping to get a scholarship offer to your dream school, odds are it is not going to happen. The aforementioned options (these 375 schools included) are all better options for athletes than sitting around for another year hoping you can find a scholarship. The NCAA will begin to take away years of eligibility one year after your high school graduation (depending on your sport). Also, it can be hard to get recruited by a college coach after taking time off from your sport after high school graduation.

It may be relieving to hear that there are schools that still accept students, but there is still much work to be done by the athletes. If you want to have a shot at attending one of these schools, you will need to simultaneously start the admissions process and contact coaches. These opportunities can dry up fast.

Do These Schools Still Have Scholarship Money Available?

Some of the coaches at these schools may have scholarship money still available, but many will not. That does not mean you shouldn’t contact them though, because you can still earn a spot as a preferred walk-on. Basically, preferred walk-ons are given a spot on a team for their first year of college. It is up to them to play well enough and work hard to earn a spot on the team the following seasons. Preferred walk-ons can potentially go on to more playing time and even earn scholarship money. Regular walk-ons are forced to compete for a spot on the team and are not guaranteed anything.

Lynn O’Shaughnessy wrote a great article for CBS News about the colleges that are still accepting students.  According to O’Shaughnessy, there are more schools looking for students right now than in any year since 2000.

If you have any questions or concerns about what your options are this time of the year, leave us a comment in the section below or connect with us on FacebookTwitter, Google+!

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