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2016 Eligibility Rules Have No Education Impacting Disability Exceptions

On Friday the NCAA released a lengthy Education Column in the form of a Q&A regarding the new initial eligibility requirements set to arrive in 2016. Softening the requirements (i.e. removing the roughly .500 core course GPA increase to the sliding scale) did not prevent schools from asking questions. All told, the Ed Column includes […]

Dwight Howard and Public Recruiting of Athletes

One of the more interesting stories of the NBA offseason is whether free agent center Dwight Howard will stay with the Lakers or head for greener pastures elsewhere. Since the end of the season, the Lakers have launched a very public campaign to show Howard that they want him back. Which got me to thinking […]

Posted in Bylaw Blog, Bylaws

Transfer Issue Needs More Balanced Tools, Not Blanket Rules

The message from the coaches in Rustin Dodd’s article about transfers is one of powerlessness. Players are going to leave and there is nothing coaches can do about it. As a result the normal movement of students between colleges for a variety of reasons gets a negative branding like “free agency” or “waiver wire”. But […]

Head Coach Responsibility A Potential Gamechanger

It was the best of times and the worst of times. About the same time that Sports Illustrated was publishing a story about the NCAA enforcement staff’s turnover and low morale, an entirely different scene was playing out in a hotel ballroom in Orlando. There a panel which included Tom Hosty of that same NCAA […]

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Everett Golson and the Five-Year Clock

By all accounts, Everett Golson should lose a season of competition. His dismissal from Notre Dame, combined with his previous redshirt and the five-year clock make it impossible to use his four seasons. And while a combination of NCAA rules are conspiring against him, Golson’s “poor academic judgment”, in his own words, are the proximate […]

Posted in Bylaw Blog, Bylaws

Division II’s Eligibility Package Moves Closer to DI

While Division I has been busy with a now-downsized change to initial eligibility rules, Division II has been even busier. The Division II Academic Task Force has put forth their own set of recommendations for academic reform. And in addition to initial eligibility changes, the task force also has a set of recommendations for two-year […]

Does the NCAA Need to Add Men’s Sports?

With the recommendation of the Committee on Women’s Athletics that NCAA members sponsor legislation to make triathlon the next emerging sport for women, it would be the 13th emerging sport for women since the program started in 1993. By many measures, the emerging sport program has been an success, giving a number of sports an […]

Basketball Coaches Float Graduate Transfer Changes

At a meeting of the National Association of Basketball Coaches and the Ethics Committee, coaches addressed the graduate transfer exception and waiver. Because it creates a type of “free agency”, coaches are now looking for a solution: The committee discussed a sixth year as a solution for fifth-year seniors who graduate and want to play […]

A More Flexible NLI is a Better NLI

Matthew Thomas’s effort to get out of his National Letter of Intent is as good a time as any to take a look at the NLI. The NLI is roundly and in many cases rightly criticized. But it still serves an essential purpose and is so ingrained in the recruiting culture that fixing it rather […]

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A Better Explanation of the Rose and Thomas Cases

ESPN’s Andy Katz asked the NCAA about the Lance Thomas case. Specifically Katz asked why there was a difference between the Thomas case, where he refused to cooperate with the NCAA’s investigation into his jewelry purchase and Memphis’s 2009 major infractions case where Derrick Rose refused to discuss his potentially fraudulent SAT test. The response […]

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