NCAA Legislation

NCAA Sets Schedule for Vote on Scouting Ban

The NCAA has set the schedule for the override vote on Proposal RWG-11-3-B. A comment period will open on June 10 and close June 16. Actual voting will take place June 17 through 5:00 PM EDT on June 21. A 5/8ths majority of schools voting is needed to override and defeat the proposal. RWG-11-3-B simplifies […]

Does the NCAA Need to Add Men’s Sports?

With the recommendation of the Committee on Women’s Athletics that NCAA members sponsor legislation to make triathlon the next emerging sport for women, it would be the 13th emerging sport for women since the program started in 1993. By many measures, the emerging sport program has been an success, giving a number of sports an […]

Triathlon Takes Major Step Toward Becoming Next NCAA Sport

The NCAA’s Committee on Women’s Athletics has recommended all three divisions introduce legislation to make triathlon the next emerging sport for women. If adopted, NCAA triathlon competition would start in the fall of 2014. The recommendation from CWA is for athletes to participate in four to six triathlon meets per year. The competition format would […]

Basketball Coaches Float Graduate Transfer Changes

At a meeting of the National Association of Basketball Coaches and the Ethics Committee, coaches addressed the graduate transfer exception and waiver. Because it creates a type of “free agency”, coaches are now looking for a solution: The committee discussed a sixth year as a solution for fifth-year seniors who graduate and want to play […]

Major Division II Academic Changes Take Step Forward

The meeting of the Division I Board of Directors got most of the attention with major reform efforts shelved or delayed along with some needed governance work. But in Division II, much bigger changes were moved along. The President’s Council voted to accept the recommendations of the Academic Task Force, which was given the job […]

Lessons from the AFCA’s Legislative History

The American Football Coaches Association announced today that they will draft and submit to the NCAA legislation on recruiting communication and limits on noncoaching staff. Of the big three coaching associations (the National Association of Basketball Coaches and Women’s Basketball Coaches Association being the other two), the AFCA is the least active legislatively. While both […]

NCAA Issues Four Division I Interps

Last week the NCAA issued four interpretations of Division I rules. None of them are groundbreaking, although one does open up an additional question. The first involved male practice players participating in summer women’s basketball practices: The academic and membership affairs staff determined that male students may participate in summer athletic activities with women’s basketball […]

The Politics of Emmert’s “Crazy” Comment

Yesterday I wrote about NCAA President Mark Emmert calling opposition to deregulation “crazy” and the current monitoring burden “insane”. After the post, I added this tweet: If we assume the BoD will send phone call proposal to an override vote, then Emmert’s comments are an attempt to “energize the base.” — John Infante (@John_Infante) April […]

Emmert: Pushback Against Deregulation “Crazy”

Speaking to bowl officials, NCAA president Mark Emmert had this to say about the opposition to recruiting deregulation, specifically to unlimited phone calls to prospects: “It’s crazy that people have to hire somebody to count your cell phone calls and track your call records; you can’t text somebody but you can email,” Emmert said. “It’s […]

The Myths of Presidential Control

Andy Staples excellent reporting of the frustration of athletic directors over the current legislative agenda and process of the NCAA appears to be the final step in picking a scapegoat for the NCAA’s troubles. It is all the fault of university presidents. Whether it is the university presidents who decide to change conferences, university presidents […]

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