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NCAA Sets Schedule for Vote on Scouting Ban

The NCAA has set the schedule for the override vote on Proposal RWG-11-3-B. A comment period will open on June 10 and close June 16. Actual voting will take place June 17 through 5:00 PM EDT on June 21. A 5/8ths majority of schools voting is needed to override and defeat the proposal.

RWG-11-3-B simplifies the in-person scouting rules by banning in-person scouting of future opponents across the board. Currently scouting is prohibited in some sports and allowed in a select few. In most sports however, scouting is allowed, but coaches must finance it themselves; institutions cannot reimburse or pay expenses for coaches to scout future opponents in person.

There was an alternative proposal, RWG-11-3-A, which would have permitted in-person scouting of future opponents paid for by the institution. That proposal was not forwarded to the Board of Directors by the Rules Working Group, but could become an option if RWG-11-3-B is ultimately defeated.

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