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Alaska-Anchorage Sanctioned for Payments to WBB Players

Division II Alaska-Anchorage was placed on probation and had scholarships taken away in women’s basketball for payments made to two players during the 2011–12 season. The Division II Committee on Infractions found that the head coach at the time, Tim Moser, knowingly violated extra benefit rules and placed him under a two-year show-cause order.

The committee found that in 2011–12, Moser had promised full scholarships to two athletes (women’s basketball is an equivalency sport in Division II). The scholarship agreements were less than a full grant-in-aid, but Moser assured the families all costs would be covered. Moser provided a volunteer assistant coach with cash totaling more than $7,000 which was then deposited into the players’ bank accounts. The violation was discovered in 2012–13 when one of the athletes questioned why her scholarship had been reduced from the full grant-in-aid.

In addition to probation, Alaska-Anchorage had its women’s basketball scholarships reduced by .74 to a maximum of 9.26 for the 2014–15 academic year. In addition, the institution must vacate any victories where either of the two athletes participated (a total of 15 wins vacated). Moser, now an assistant at Colorado State, will be suspended for CSU’s first three conference games next season. CSU also will require Moser to complete an ethics training course at his expense and attend an NCAA Regional Rules Seminar.

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