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Iowa State Waiting on Resolution to Text Messaging Case

Long NCAA investigations are nothing new. But at this point, text messaging and phone call violations are more or less an exact science. The penalties are clear, the process is understood, and most times the cases are handled relatively quickly compared to less common or more complex violations. Not so for Iowa State:

“I’m numb,” [ISU athletic director Jamie] Pollard said. “It’s been so long; it’s mind-boggling. I’ve stopped even thinking about it. I’m not losing sleep over it because I’m pretty confident in the outcome.”

The best way to illustrate the delays is with one simple fact: if the NCAA does not resolve this case in the next two-three months, Iowa States two-year self-imposed probation will end before the case is resolved. Other penalties have likely been served as well. A decision in a case should not be racing against the clock to come before all or most of the penalties have been served.

As for an explanation for the delay, Iowa State submitted their summary disposition report on April 8, 2013. That might have been too quick to turn around for the April Committee on Infractions meeting, which included Oregon as the centerpiece. Instead the case may have been reviewed by the COI either at a different time via teleconference or at the June meeting, headlined by Miami. That would correlated with the July 31 date given to Pollard as a possible target for a decision.

Falling in the middle of the Miami case may have pushed the decision back some, as that report will likely take more discussion, writing, and revision than normal. So an additional month from the advertised six-week timeframe is not surprising. A significantly longer delay, into the fall or winter of 2013 would rise the possibility that the summary disposition is rejected by the COI, and the school has to attend some sort of hearing.

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