The Realities of College Recruiting and Sports Scholarships

The Recruiting Process Starts NOW

The best time to start the recruiting process is as soon as possible. College coaches spend their scholarship money and start to finalize their rosters well in advance. By getting your name out to coaches now they will have more time to better evaluate your ability and watch you progress into the college ranks.

You MUST be Seen by College Coaches

Every year thousands of qualified athletes miss out on opportunities for athletic scholarships because coaches didn’t know who they were. Each year the recruiting budgets are getting smaller for college programs, making it more difficult for them to find qualified student athletes. If the college coaches don’t know who you are, they can’t recruit you.

You Need to Know What Coaches Want

College coaches get contacted by thousands of athletes every month. They don’t have the time to deal with athletes who aren’t prepared. Ninety percent of college recruits remove themselves from the recruiting class by not knowing what coaches need. By knowing the rules and how to communicate with coaches, you get yourself ahead of the competition.

Don’t Rely on Your Coach to Get You Recruited

One of the biggest mistakes a student athlete can make is relying completely on their coach to find scholarships for them. High school coaches, family members, and friends don’t know which schools have scholarships available, what coaches are looking for, how to contact those coaches, and how to set you apart from your competition. The recruiting process is too important not to be handled by a professional.

If you are serious about competing at the college level and want to do everything you can to get an athletic scholarship, please contact us. You can speak with one of our scouts directly by calling our toll-free phone line 1-800-974-2171. Competing at the college level is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Don’t miss out!

Women’s Basketball

Author: David Frank

Gain Exposure. Get Recruited.

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