About Atlanta Sports Academy

Based in Atlanta, at the former Point University Campus, Atlanta Sports Academy is an alternative, specialized, and rigorous post-graduate academy that offers an academic-athletic program that can be customized to individual needs. Students in Atlanta Sports are keen on the opportunity to continue higher education at an accredited four year college with scholarship privileges; and their education and training at the academy are geared towards that goal. Participating in college sports and earning a degree at the same time is a difficult task that brings out the character and leadership qualities of the student-athletes. Learning is accomplished in an on-campus in-classroom environment or through the web by fully accredited partner academic institutions. The programs offered by the academy are unique and heavily concentrated in sports like the Comprehensive Academic Recovery Programs; Elite Athletic Development Programs and the Mentoring and Character Development Programs.

Athletics Department of Atlanta Sports Academy

A widely known sports oriented center, Atlanta Sports Academy applies scientific and modern methods in their rigid and structured athletic programs and is administered by highly qualified professionals in the field. Fitness facilities in addition to sports facilities are kept up to date to provide the best solution to the needs of the students, including on-campus strength and conditioning equipment, a weight room, with cardio and training/examination rooms. The academic-athletic credited programs in the academy cover areas that include strength and conditioning; speed and agility; nutritional; recruiting services; anger-management; healthy lifestyle; financial management and much more, all of which leads to a complete preparation to higher academic and athletic aspirations.

Athletic Programs of Atlanta Sports Academy Spartans

The athletics department of the Atlanta Sports Academy currently concentrates in three men’s sport activities that include football, basketball, and baseball. The student-athlete’s activities and school programs are individually structured to meet their academic and athletic requirements. Academic advisors and compliance officers work hand in hand to ensure NCAA compliance and eligibility issues for students with high athletic and academic ambitions. The student-athletes are fully supported by Atlanta Sports including hiring experience and qualified coaching staff from collegiate and professional league ranks.

OFFICIAL SPORTS TEAM: Atlanta Sports Academy

A Spartan, a varsity player of the official sports team of the Atlanta Sports Academy, will engage in intercollegiate competition with honor, integrity, endurance, ferocity, intellect and skill. And as their slogan often mentions – will never give up nor surrender. In a span of 4 years alone, over 190 student-athletes were placed in 4-year colleges and universities after their 2-year stay at the academy. An impressive winning streak has already been established in all sports including a 51-12 overall slate in football, 21-0 over prep academies, and a recent, first ever win over a ranked JUCO in football.

Guide to Athletic Scholarships at Atlanta Sports Academy

The mission of the Atlanta Sports Academy is to give opportunities to young men and women to fulfill their aspirations of continuing with their education and obtaining a college degree while playing in collegiate sports that fancy their passion. While getting college credits and academic qualification at Atlanta Sports, the students also get to participate in athletic programs that prepare them to qualify in higher learning institutions academically, athletically or both. The academy ensures a reasonable tuition to those who do not qualify as scholars as a means to make education accessible to as many students as possible. Experienced NCAA compliance officers guide the students to a successful transition to a four-year college with bright athletic scholarship possibilities.

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