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UNC Chancellor Expected NCAA Investigation

From NBC affiliate in North Carolina WNCN, UNC-Chapel Hill’s chancellor Carol Folt was under no delusions that the NCAA investigation into the school’s academic scandal was completely over:

“I don’t think we believed – even at that moment – that everything would necessarily be finished,” Folt said. “Even when I came, people had been saying if new evidence came forward, we’re not going to avoid that. We’re going to go directly into that and do what we have to do to get this matter fully understood so we can resolve it.”

Folt sounds on the verge of saying she welcomes the NCAA investigation, although does not go quite that far. Even so, it sounds like the school, right up to the top, was not surprised or even angered by this development. Despite previous times where it seemed UNC was in the clear with the NCAA, the leadership in Chapel Hill took a very different view of the proceedings so far.

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