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Al Golden Wants NCAA Compliance Officers on Every Campus

Miami head football Al Golden is not the first person to recommend the NCAA put its own employees on all Division I or FBS campuses. But his logic is unique to this point:

“You’ll find then that there’s a lot of coaches that want to coach life skills, want to teach leadership, want to teach kids what they need to be successful in every facet of their life, that want education, that are teaching it the right way.

“It doesn’t mean we’re less competitive and that’s a part of the fabric of the United States of America, to be competitive. We’re trying to teach life skills and learning in every endeavor. And I think they would see our mission and our value and our goals are commiserate [sic] with theirs.”

Golden’s point seems to be that if the NCAA had someone on each campus, day in and day out, they would see that coaches are not such bad guys. Which might be true. Then again, this could also be accomplished through smaller gestures from the coaches’ side, like attending more Regional Rules Seminars. When not ordered by the Committee on Infractions that is.

Putting NCAA employees on campus is not going to have the sort of benefit Golden expects. They are not just going to be there to take note of the good things a coach does. They will be there to monitor everything, report violations, and interpret rules narrowly. And that means many coaches will be too wary to open up their program enough for the NCAA to see the good side.

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