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Tulsa AD Placed on Leave After Gambling Admission

Ross Parmley, recently elevated to the athletic director position at the University of Tulsa, has been placed on leave after admitting to gambling to the FBI:

Parmley admitted to the FBI that he bet on college and professional football games for years before quitting gambling early in 2010, a source told The Oklahoman.
He told the FBI he made payments to [bookie Teddy] Mitchell on losses and collected from Mitchell on wins, said the source who has read an FBI report on his interview.

This will also draw the attention of the NCAA, which prohibits gambling on professional sports as well as the collegiate level. Chief among the NCAA’s questions for Parmley will be how long his gambling went on, whether other athletic department staff were involved, and what type of gambling education the Tulsa athletic department conducted. All of these were issues in Washington’s major violation involving then-head football coach Rick Neuheisel.

Also of interest to the NCAA will be the relationship between a bookie and an athletic director. That will raise concerns that bookie may have had access to student-athletes. And if Mitchell was close to any student-athletes, that will bring up questions about point shaving and game fixing.

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