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The First Major Violation is the Hardest

Major violations are never pleasant, but they are particularly tough to deal with at schools with history of rules compliance and a reputation for good academics, like North Carolina:

“The pressure I always felt was that we would meet the expectations of the traditions of the place. And insofar as we had a lapse in that, it was extremely jolting to me,” [former UNC AD Dick] Baddour said this week. “We thought it couldn’t happen here. We worked hard for it. We didn’t take that for granted.”

There’s no need to look further than the changes at Ohio State and USC following their major violations to know that it rules compliance is often easier at places with a history of getting in trouble. Major infractions cases are unpleasant for everyone involved, and if the memory of one is fresh, it can be a powerful incentive to make sure it does not happen again.

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