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How to Write a College Recruiting Resume for Football

College Football Recruiting Resume

Football coaches are among the hardest coaches to get in contact with in the United States because of the sport’s popularity. Putting together all of your pertinent information, coupled with being persistent and proactive, will help you find the best collegiate playing opportunity.

Putting a Link to Your Online Highlight Video in Your Resume Will Help Get a Coach’s Attention

Want to get the attention of a college football coach? Include a link to your highlight video in your resume. Coaches want to see what you can do, not just hear about it. Having a great highlight video is often the first step in getting recruited.

Strength and speed rule in football. A great resume will show coaches your speed, agility, strength, and quickness. Include your 40-yard dash time, broad jump distance, 5–10–5 shuttle time, vertical jump height, bench max, squat max, and max bench reps (at 185 pounds) in your resume. These items are all things that coaches want to know about you to evaluate your candidacy as a scholar or even a walk-on athlete. As you build a relationship with coaches, any improvements in these numbers are a worthy reason to e-mail a coach to update him on your progress.

Let Coaches Know Your Summer Schedule

What are you doing this summer to become a better athlete and recruit? Tell coaches where you will be. Let them know your upcoming camp schedule. Football coaches want to see athletes compete live, and they don’t have the time to go to every recruit’s games. Holding camps allows coaches to have the athletes come compete in front of them.

If you are serious about wanting to attend camps, you need to proactively reach out to coaches to introduce yourself before going. Take time to sit down and evaluate your prospects of attending the schools at the top of your list. Camp season does not last forever, so you want to go to camps at schools that best fit you academically and athletically. Coaches only scout athletes whom they already know at camps—they usually do not discover new athletes.

Your resume should include the schedule for your upcoming season. Coaches may want to come to one or more of your games. Make it as easy as possible for them to do so. Give them your schedule, including the location of home and away games and the times of your games. Make sure to e-mail a coach if you know of any scheduling changes after a coach already has your schedule.

Include Position Specific Statistics

Putting your position-specific statistics on your resume gives coaches an idea of how well you compete at your current level of competition. Create a chart that displays all pertinent stats for your position. Along with video, position-specific stats will really depict how well you compete at the high school level.

Here is a complete guide on How to Write a College Recruiting Resume.

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