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How to Work with Your Child’s Coach

working with your coach in recruiting

High school coaches work hard to see that their athletes succeed, both in the game and in life. They encourage growth and development as a player, as a student, and as a member of the community. Hence, it’s really important to use your coach as a resource when you start the recruiting process.

Don’t Rely Entirely on High School Coaches

One of the biggest mistakes that families make is relying solely on their coaches to get their kids recruited. Although high school coaches are great for tips, advice, and information, you should not expect them to do everything for you.

Many high school coaches only have a few college coach connections, which limit your exposure to other collegiate opportunities. They also have a full team of kids to keep track of, so their schedules don’t allow for much one-on-one attention that recruits need. That is why it is so important not only to work with your child’s coach but also to use them as a viable resource for information regarding the recruiting process, then use the information to do the work yourself.

The recruiting process can be complicated, so a high school recruit will need parents and coaches for information and support. The athlete needs as much support and positive reinforcement as they can get during the process, so being civil with their coach(es) is really important. When you talk to the coach, stick to specific questions about the athlete and their abilities. Don’t talk about the coach or anything about how he directs their team. Being able to focus on the athlete and preparing for the recruiting process should be the only topic for that meeting. It is also a good idea to schedule the meeting so the athlete can attend.

High School Coaches Have Your Child’s Important Recruiting Information, Such as Stats and Video

It is always a good idea to schedule a time to talk to the coach about your athlete. This meeting (whether in person or on the phone) is meant to be informative and casual. You and your athlete should spend some time asking any questions you may have and for advice and information. Ask them for an evaluation of their abilities and where they think your athlete could play in college (if they can). This will help determine the division level of schools to target, where you will be more likely to find a scholarship opportunity.

Parents should also make sure to get as much video footage from the coach as they can. Coaches’ videos are a good blend of practice and training, in addition to game footage. Most coaches are more than willing to offer whatever footage they can in order for an athlete to compile a recruiting video. If they don’t have any to offer, make sure to let them know you will be getting the film yourself, either at the game or at practice. Cooperation is the key, so make sure the coach knows of your intentions and that you won’t disturb their practice.

If your athlete competes on more than one team, this gives you more available information and a more accurate evaluation of the athlete’s abilities. Being part of a club or traveling team is a great opportunity to make more connections with other coaches, and possibly college coaches. Club teams spend a lot of time training and traveling, so coaches build strong relationships with their athletes and get to know them really well.

Parents should seek the help of their athlete’s coaches, but not rely entirely on them to get recruited. College coaches want to see the athlete making the effort and working to get recruited. High school and club coaches and parents should be there to help the athlete, not do their work for them.

Parents, do you have any questions about working with your children’s coaches? Maybe you want some advice on how to best position your child to be recruited and get noticed by college coaches? Please ask us questions in the comments section or on FacebookTwitter, or Google+!

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