How Academics Can Help You Earn a Better Athletic Scholarship
The competition for athletic scholarships is sky high. There are thousands of high school athletes who are looking for an opportunity to play sports at the college level, which makes finding an athletic scholarship very difficult.
It All Starts in the Classroom
Coaches are looking for not only stellar athletes, but also dedicated students. College coaches are not interested in athletes who do not care about being successful in the classroom. If you can show college coaches that you can succeed in both athletics and academics, you could find your way into a scholarship.
One of the best impressions you can make on a coach is when you have great grades and test scores as a student-athlete. Coaches are interested in the success of their athletes and their program. They want to work with student-athletes who work hard at both and can contribute to their program directly.
As a high school athlete, you should develop and establish good study habits. You should make time every day to complete your homework assignments, projects, and additional study time for tests. Take advantage of academic advisers and tutors at your school, and get help if you need it. Student-athletes should also be sure to take all the classes needed to be academically eligible by the NCAA; you can find the requirements in the NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete.
Coaches Care About More Than Just Your Grades
Many athletes do not realize that college admissions and coaches look at all four years of your high school grades, not just your Junior and Senior years. So, if your grade point average gets too low, it will be that much harder to bring it back up in those last two years.
When it is time for you to take the PSAT, SAT, or ACT, make sure you are prepared. These tests are used to gauge your academic strengths and to help determine how you might do in college. Hence, it is very important to take them seriously as they are required for admissions in most colleges and universities. There are tons of classes, books, and resources available to help you do your best at these tests. You can also take these tests as many times as you choose, and your best scores will be the ones used in your college applications; so you can practice and study to become a better test taker.
All of the good study habits and importance put into your academic strengths will continue to help you when you are in college. There is a fine balance between athletics, classes, and social activities that must be met in order to succeed in college. The time-management and study skills you developed in high school will transfer with you into college and will be a valuable asset to your experience.
Good academics will help you get the attention of college coaches who may have an athletic scholarship available for you. Getting good grades and test scores can also help you earn more scholarship money. There are tons of academic scholarships available, and you are to combine them with your athletic scholarship. Academic and merit scholarships are readily available, even in D3 institutions that do not offer athletic scholarships.
Do not underestimate the importance of good grades. Although you might be the star of your high school team, it is not enough to get a lot of coaches’ attention. It is crucial to do as well as you can in high school. That way, you have a better chance of finding the right college for you, one where you can still compete in your sport while also earning a valuable degree and preparing yourself for success later in life.
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